A Man Beard and Its Care!

A Man Beard and Its Care!

The beard has become very popular in recent years and with its renewed rise in popularity comes a whole range of new products to keep your beard looking better than ever.

Almost fifty percent of the men in the world are sporting some type of a beard; facial hair is just as important to take care of as the hair on our heads. Growing and maintaining a beard can also cause many challenges for men such as dry and flaky skin, there can be the constant itching and beard dandruff. 

Beard Oil is not only beneficial to your beard hair but most importantly to the skin underneath. Maintaining hydrated and smooth skin under a beard is just as important as keeping that facial hair shiny, under control and looking great. By keeping the skin healthy, that dreaded beard itch can be controlled and by using a good quality beard oil - dry skin and flakes will be a thing of the past.

You will see a noticeable difference in the hair as well, as the beard will become soft, shiny and smooth. Often not mentioned are the wonderful natural fragrances and benefits from a beard oil that uses essential oils and organic essential oils. Such a company is Kawartha Lakes Wellness Company(KLWC.ca) - where a focus on natural and organic raw materials are front and center. I have read many reviews about their beard oils and skin care products that are worth all Canadian beard wearers considering.

If you are wondering what you will get out of using a good quality beard oil....here are just a few of the benefits. But prior to discussing what worth your beard gets from using beard oil, let's just say first and foremost...any and all beards should get on board with a good oil. Before you put your beard oil on - be sure to have washed your facial hair well. SXYU.ca has an amazing Beard Wash and I urge you to start with Beard Bubbles. Then choose a fantastic beard oil   - and you have choices at SXYU.ca - even if you don't want to enjoy an essential oil - you can purchase a blend of unscented Beard Oil to keep your facial skin moisturized and those good ol' beard hairs shiny and new looking!

So let's get back to the benefits of Beard Oils, it's pretty apparent that growing a beard is a most certain accomplishment for many a man. That phase of powering through the itchy stage when you first begin to grow your beard is one of the first reasons to begin using your beard oil. What is actually happening is as you have obviously stopped shaving, you have stopped exfoliating and sluffing off the dry skin cells on your face, thus the itchy skin begins and the nightmare of that scratchy face early beard syndrome. So the sooner you get the benefits of moisture from the beard oil started, this will also help you from growing frustrated and shaving off your beginning beard from the itch. Long beards work just as well with beard oil too. Beard oils keep hair shiny and healthy while providing nutrients and moisture that help repair and prevent broken and split hairs. A good blend of beard oil will most certainly tame your beard and give you that polished, handsome look. 

Check out your first bottle of organic and natural beard oil as well as other skin care products, carried exclusively by the Kawartha Lakes Wellness Company (KLWC.ca) 




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